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Chinese Medicine (TCM), the order in which treatments are recommended is based on the concept of Yin and Yang equilibrium within the body. If there is an imbalance, it is typically characterized by either Heat or Cold which leads to symptoms and/or disease. When patients present with both Heat and Cold symptoms, the order of the treatments is very important. One of the most important aspects is clearing the Heat out of the body before or while any Nurturing occurs. This is because increased blood flow can exacerbate or worsen the Heat symptoms. If a patient has multiple health conditions, it is also important to address certain organs before another. This follows the 5 element theory in TCM.
Before addressing a specific condition, it is important to discuss the patients’ health history to make an informed decision on which condition to address first. If the patient has multiple health conditions involving different organs, the treatment order in which they are addressed is also important. This is because in TCM some organs are insulting each other which is based on the 5 element theory. Some health conditions need to be treated before or after others while some can be treated at the same time. This can be based on which condition is the most severe/causing the most harmful symptoms. If the patient only has one health condition, skip to step two. Please find examples of this below:
After determining which condition is being treated first, the next step involves Heat removal from the specific organ. TCM Heat symptoms refer to inflammation and Heat Toxins refer to infection. If the patient presents with Heat or Heat Toxins from an acute infection or inflammation without any deficiencies, the Heat must be cleared without any nurturing treatment. If the patient presents with Heat in combination with deficiencies from chronic conditions, the Heat clearance occurs before the nurturing treatment. If the patient presents with severe deficiency and is extremely weak, the Heat clearance can be combined with nurturing treatments. However, clearance of Heat can’t be void from the treatment. If patients also have poor blood circulation or microcirculation in addition to their chronic conditions, treatment that address the circulation issue should be combined with other nurturing treatment to get desired results.
Here is a summary of the heat clearance and nurturing recommendations:
Step One: Lung Heat
- Pneumonia/bacterial infection - Viral/fungal infection - Symptoms such as colored phlegm - Products used: CL, CL-2, CL-F Step Two: Lung Nurturing - COPD/IPF/Sarcoidosis - Products used: Soup A, Soup B, LC Balancer |
Step One: Kidney Heat
- Kidney infections/kidney stones - UTIs - Symptoms such as frequent urination, nocturia, hot flashes - Products used: KS, BI, UI, K-2, Mycocin, Nefnin, KS-F, BI-F Step Two: Kidney Nurturing - Chronic kidney disease - Products used: Xcel, LC Balancer, Formula C, Anemic |
Step One: Liver Heat
- Bacterial infection - Viral/fungal infection - Symptoms such as anxiety, depression - Products used: Levera, Hepavin Step Two: Liver Nurturing - Diabetes/Fatty liver disease/High Cholesterol, Cirrhosis - Products used: Brown, LC Balancer, Cirrhonin |
Step One: GI Heat
- Bacterial infection - Viral/fungal infection - IBS/SIBO - Symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas - Products used: PA, Whitehead, Probiosis, Formula F, Formula G Step Two: GI Nurturing - Acid Reflux, Leaky Gut, Food Allergies, Ulcers - Products used: SJ, Spring Capsule, Formula B |
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Chinese Medicine (TCM), the order in which treatments are recommended is based on the concept of Yin and Yang equilibrium within the body. If there is an imbalance, it is typically characterized by either Heat or Cold which leads to symptoms and/or disease. When patients present with both Heat and Cold symptoms, the order of the treatments is very important. One of the most important aspects is clearing the Heat out of the body before or while any Nurturing occurs. This is because increased blood flow can exacerbate or worsen the Heat symptoms. If a patient has multiple health conditions, it is also important to address certain organs before another. This follows the 5 element theory in TCM.
Before addressing a specific condition, it is important to discuss the patients’ health history to make an informed decision on which condition to address first. If the patient has multiple health conditions involving different organs, the treatment order in which they are addressed is also important. This is because in TCM some organs are insulting each other which is based on the 5 element theory. Some health conditions need to be treated before or after others while some can be treated at the same time. This can be based on which condition is the most severe/causing the most harmful symptoms. If the patient only has one health condition, skip to step two. Please find examples of this below:
After determining which condition is being treated first, the next step involves Heat removal from the specific organ. TCM Heat symptoms refer to inflammation and Heat Toxins refer to infection. If the patient presents with Heat or Heat Toxins from an acute infection or inflammation without any deficiencies, the Heat must be cleared without any nurturing treatment. If the patient presents with Heat in combination with deficiencies from chronic conditions, the Heat clearance occurs before the nurturing treatment. If the patient presents with severe deficiency and is extremely weak, the Heat clearance can be combined with nurturing treatments. However, clearance of Heat can’t be void from the treatment. If patients also have poor blood circulation or microcirculation in addition to their chronic conditions, treatment that address the circulation issue should be combined with other nurturing treatment to get desired results.
Here is a summary of the heat clearance and nurturing recommendations:
Step One: Lung Heat
- Pneumonia/bacterial infection - Viral/fungal infection - Symptoms such as colored phlegm - Products used: CL, CL-2, CL-F Step Two: Lung Nurturing - COPD/IPF/Sarcoidosis - Products used: Soup A, Soup B, LC Balancer |
Step One: Kidney Heat
- Kidney infections/kidney stones - UTIs - Symptoms such as frequent urination, nocturia, hot flashes - Products used: KS, BI, UI, K-2, Mycocin, Nefnin, KS-F, BI-F Step Two: Kidney Nurturing - Chronic kidney disease - Products used: Xcel, LC Balancer, Formula C, Anemic |
Step One: Liver Heat
- Bacterial infection - Viral/fungal infection - Symptoms such as anxiety, depression - Products used: Levera, Hepavin Step Two: Liver Nurturing - Diabetes/Fatty liver disease/High Cholesterol, Cirrhosis - Products used: Brown, LC Balancer, Cirrhonin |
Step One: GI Heat
- Bacterial infection - Viral/fungal infection - IBS/SIBO - Symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas - Products used: PA, Whitehead, Probiosis, Formula F, Formula G Step Two: GI Nurturing - Acid Reflux, Leaky Gut, Food Allergies, Ulcers - Products used: SJ, Spring Capsule, Formula B |
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