require_once('weilabdb_connection.php'); $page="Account_Activated"; $ver=$_REQUEST['code']; ?>
Effective Dates
January 1, 2012
Suggested Retail Pricing
The Suggested Retail Pricing Policy of Wei Laboratories, Inc. is for all of its customers selling Wei products on-line at or above the suggested retail prices. Any advertisements, discounts, rewards programs, coupons, special offers, sales, promotions, etc. must explicitly state "Not valid on Wei products" and products must check-out at or above suggested retail pricing. The suggested retail prices set forth are unilaterally set by Wei Laboratories and are not open to discussion or negotiation with any of its customers.
Wei Laboratories reserves the right not to sell or supply any products to any customer that is affiliated with a Web site that violates this Suggested Retail Pricing Policy. Any reference or inference at all to discounts, price reductions, special call-in pricing, coupons, price-matching policies or any other special promotion or offer on Wei Laboratories products will be deemed to be violations of this policy and grounds for immediate suspension of affiliated Customer's account(s).
For customers with sites, patients who self-register must be provided access only to Wei products at Suggested Retail Price. However, discounts may be offered in practitioners' offices but not available to the general public via the Internet. Practitioners can provide discounts to their patients who order through, but the difference in price can only be redeemed at practitioner’s office and discount visibility should be not open to non-patients.
Third-Party Sites
Wei Laboratories policy is for all of its customers selling its products on-line to sell on customer-owned sites only. Wei Laboratories does not authorize or permit sales of its products on third-party-facilitated sites (e.g.,, eBay, etc.).
Wei Laboratories reserves the right not to sell or supply any products to any customer that is found to be selling its products on third-party-facilitated sites.
Violations of Policy
All Customers who violate this Policy will receive ten (10) days' advance written notice from Wei Laboratories that they are in violation of the Policy and therefore will no longer be able to purchase the Products after the end of the ten (10) day notice period. After the notice period, if the compliance has not been met, Customer will no longer be able to purchase any products from Wei Laboratories; and Customer will no longer be authorized to use the Trademarks on Customer's Web site or in any other manner on the Internet. After the notice period, Customer will be required to immediately cease all use of the Trademarks on Customer's Web site or in any other manner on the Internet. Customers that correct their Web site to bring it into compliance with this Policy should promptly notify Wei Laboratories. Wei Laboratories will then review Customer's Web site. If Wei Laboratories determines Customer has brought his or her site into compliance with this Policy, Customer's account will be reactivated so Customer may purchase the Products and use the Trademarks on Customer's Web site in accordance with this Policy. Wei Laboratories has adopted a zero-tolerance approach to this policy. Customer acknowledges that upon any subsequent breach of any provision of this Agreement, Wei Laboratories may terminate Customer's account without notice. Once Customer has fallen out of compliance with this policy in any way and has received any written notice from Wei Laboratories, then upon any subsequent breach Wei Laboratories reserves the right to immediately terminate the Customer
To ensure proper use of Wei Laboratories’ high quality natural products, we only sell to licensed healthcare professionals. If you would like to become part of our family of customers, contact our Customer Service Department, toll free 1-888-919-1188.
If you are not a healthcare professional, we would be happy to provide you with the names and contact information of several practitioners in your area. Please click here to send your request
Effective Dates
January 1, 2012
Suggested Retail Pricing
The Suggested Retail Pricing Policy of Wei Laboratories, Inc. is for all of its customers selling Wei products on-line at or above the suggested retail prices. Any advertisements, discounts, rewards programs, coupons, special offers, sales, promotions, etc. must explicitly state "Not valid on Wei products" and products must check-out at or above suggested retail pricing. The suggested retail prices set forth are unilaterally set by Wei Laboratories and are not open to discussion or negotiation with any of its customers.
Wei Laboratories reserves the right not to sell or supply any products to any customer that is affiliated with a Web site that violates this Suggested Retail Pricing Policy. Any reference or inference at all to discounts, price reductions, special call-in pricing, coupons, price-matching policies or any other special promotion or offer on Wei Laboratories products will be deemed to be violations of this policy and grounds for immediate suspension of affiliated Customer's account(s).
For customers with sites, patients who self-register must be provided access only to Wei products at Suggested Retail Price. However, discounts may be offered in practitioners' offices but not available to the general public via the Internet. Practitioners can provide discounts to their patients who order through, but the difference in price can only be redeemed at practitioner’s office and discount visibility should be not open to non-patients.
Third-Party Sites
Wei Laboratories policy is for all of its customers selling its products on-line to sell on customer-owned sites only. Wei Laboratories does not authorize or permit sales of its products on third-party-facilitated sites (e.g.,, eBay, etc.).
Wei Laboratories reserves the right not to sell or supply any products to any customer that is found to be selling its products on third-party-facilitated sites.
Violations of Policy
All Customers who violate this Policy will receive ten (10) days' advance written notice from Wei Laboratories that they are in violation of the Policy and therefore will no longer be able to purchase the Products after the end of the ten (10) day notice period. After the notice period, if the compliance has not been met, Customer will no longer be able to purchase any products from Wei Laboratories; and Customer will no longer be authorized to use the Trademarks on Customer's Web site or in any other manner on the Internet. After the notice period, Customer will be required to immediately cease all use of the Trademarks on Customer's Web site or in any other manner on the Internet. Customers that correct their Web site to bring it into compliance with this Policy should promptly notify Wei Laboratories. Wei Laboratories will then review Customer's Web site. If Wei Laboratories determines Customer has brought his or her site into compliance with this Policy, Customer's account will be reactivated so Customer may purchase the Products and use the Trademarks on Customer's Web site in accordance with this Policy. Wei Laboratories has adopted a zero-tolerance approach to this policy. Customer acknowledges that upon any subsequent breach of any provision of this Agreement, Wei Laboratories may terminate Customer's account without notice. Once Customer has fallen out of compliance with this policy in any way and has received any written notice from Wei Laboratories, then upon any subsequent breach Wei Laboratories reserves the right to immediately terminate the Customer
To ensure proper use of Wei Laboratories’ high quality natural products, we only sell to licensed healthcare professionals. If you would like to become part of our family of customers, contact our Customer Service Department, toll free 1-888-919-1188.
If you are not a healthcare professional, we would be happy to provide you with the names and contact information of several practitioners in your area. Please click here to send your request