Chinese Herbal Formulas That Support Safe and Effective Release of Toxins
With the intensive use of chemicals and pesticides in the past century, we are all now living in an environment that is contaminated by millions of different types of chemicals and pesticides. Arsenic based pesticides and heavy metals such as mercury or lead are especially poisonous. It is almost impossible to inhale air, drink water, and ingest food that is toxin free. After many years of exposure to these environmental toxins, our body can become toxified and generate many health issues with numerous different symptoms.
The Wei Detox program employs Chinese herbal formulas that help facilitate the organs including the digestive tract, lungs, heart, head and brain, blood and lymphatic systems, the urinary tract and female or male reproductive system to release the accumulated toxins, assist the liver in processing
the toxins to non-toxic compounds, and support the kidneys to filter the toxins out the body. The herbal ingredients also help support the repair of any injury or damage to the organs caused by the toxins and improve its functionality. With the use of Wei detox products, our body will become free
of toxins and our health will be elevated to the next level.
14 Day Detox Program for the Digestive Tract, Liver, and Kidneys
The Wei Detox 14-day Program consists of the digestive tract, liver, and kidney detox using three products including WeiDetox-GITM, WeiDetox-LiverTM, and WeiDetox-KidneyTM. The detox is a two-week program which begins with the digestive tract detox for the first 7 days, followed by the liver
and kidney detox together for the following 7 days.
28 Day Detox Program for the Blood, Head, Lungs, Heart, Lymphatic, and Female or Male
Reproductive System
If the toxins have not accumulated to a level which affects other systems, the GI, liver, and kidney detox should yield satisfactory results when the toxins are released. However, if the toxin level is kept too high for an extended period, toxins may have accumulated in other systems. In this case, the 28 day Wei Detox program is needed. In the 28-day program, each organ will be detoxed with the liver and kidneys being detoxed twice. The program begins with the GI detox for the 1st week followed by liver, kidney and lung detox on the 2nd week; and the blood, heart, head and lymphatic system on the 3rd week. The 4th and final week of the detox involves the male or female reproductive system detox together with the 2nd detox of the liver and kidney. Since almost all of our organ's toxins released from the detox process will be dumped into our blood circulatory system, a second detox of the liver and kidneys is necessary during the 4th week to support the liver and kidneys in processing and secreting out these toxins.